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Compassion International

In Matthew 25, Jesus tells us that when we feed the hungry and clothe the naked, we are actually feeding and clothing Him.  Taking seriously this command of our Lord, many members of Abundant Grace have committed to “adopt” needy children from nations around the world, providing food, clothing, education, spiritual enrichment, and hope for individuals who live in otherwise hopeless situations.  We have a map in our sanctuary with the names and countries of the children we have adopted and we have an annual campaign to take on new families.

Heritage House

Psalm 68:6 tells us that “God sets the lonely in families…”  Several years ago, one of deacons was working as a CNA at Heritage House (a local assisted living facility) and noticed that many of the residents did not have family who visited them and some struggled financially to obtain even their most basic needs.  We took this as God’s call to action and we began weekly gathering personal care items to fill in the gaps in care.  In an effort encourage and uplift the residents, we purchased Christmas presents for each person and hold a Christmas party as well a summer cook out with all the trimmings.

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Praise Team

St Augustine said, “he who sings prays twice” and we believe the most important thing anyone can do is praise the Lord.  We believe worship is central to all of life therefore we use our voices and every instrument we can find to lift up the name of our Lord.  We have a praise team and on special occasions, we form a choir to perform seasonal cantatas.

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